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 WWII Headgear

HH-2103  Fantastic 1ST Armored Division painted M-1 helmet. Front seam, swivel loop with names from 2 individuals who wore this helmet. $2595
HH-2102  Very RARE! 2ND Division Helmet with liner. Classic 2ND Div WW2 insignia with pale blue outline. Shows actual use and wear. Has been in th esame collection since the 1980s. $5495
HH-2101  Scarce Hawley liner with early riveted leather chin strap. Liner has pulled loose from the side of the helmet at the rivet as shown. Other than this, the helmet liner is choice. Ink inscribed on top to a Chief Motor Mechanic at the Advanced Destroyer Base One. $625
HH-2100  Rare Survival Vest Sun/ Rain reversable hat. Choice condition. $350
HH-2099  WW2 US Marine Corps helmet, named and initialled, with correct camo cover. Shows use and wear with green side out. Fantastic piece!! $895$SOLD$
HH-2098  WW2 battle damaged M-1 Medics Helmet liner. Crude painted Medic's helmet with amazing evidence of an explotion. The story has been lost, but boy if this thing could talk. Found at a garage sale last year in Pennsylvania. $450
HH-2097   Rare Iceland Marine cold weather cap with cap device. $450$SOLD$
HH-2096  Rare WW2 Army Air Force knit wool cap with label. $245$SOLD$
HH-2095  WW2 Naval Officers side cap in tan.  $50
HH-2094  WW2 Officers blue Garrison cap. $40
HH-2093  WW2 Daisy Mae hat. $40
HH-2092   Theater made Tank Destroyer fatigue cap. $155
HH-2089  WW2 Air Force Flight Helmet. $225
HH-2087  Unknown use, M-1 helmet set. Crash Crew??  $150
HH-2079  WW2 Womens' WAAC tan side cap. $60
HH-2078  WW2 Womens' WAAC tan/ pink side cap. $60
HH-2077  WW2 Womens' WAAC cream side cap. $60
HH-2076  A-8 cloth Flight Helmet in choice condition. $140
HH-2075  WW2 fixed loop helmet with post War liner. This was an original net helmet. You can see the remnants of tape that held the net in place. Great looking helmet. $375
HH-2068  Very nice Pilots Headgear/ Medal and Insignia Grouping. Includes his Bancroft Flighter Crusher, 2 Flight Helmets, bullion 12TH Air Force SSI, Pilots wings, 2 WW2 Air Medals and one post War Air Medal, extra rank insignia etc...$395 $SOLD$
HH-2067  M-1 Front Seam, swivel loop helmet. Exc. condition overall. Helmet is well named with the owners original dog tags and religious medallion. Very nice. $495
HH-2065  WW2 Power Squadron visor cap. These individuals had larger power boats and volunteered to participate in local patrols of the seashore and ports looking out for saboteurs and suspicious activities during WW2. $110
HH-2062   Scarce front seam swivel loop helmet with Firestone liner with lieutenants bar on front. What makes this helmet better than most is the clear evidence that this helmet was worn covered with a net for camouflage. $425
HH-2058  WWII Fixed loop helmet with full liner and strap. Helmet shell has been cleaned. $275
HH-2056 US Navy M-1 helmet set with "EXEC" for Executive Officer. Late War rear seam swivel loop helmet. $450
HH-2055   WW2 helmet liner with LT. bar on front. Some liner damage. $95
HH-2054  M-5 Anti Flak Helmet. Very good condition overall. Some wear to one spot on chin strap, otherwise a very nice helmet. $255$SOLD$

  HH-2052   Very interesting Kelly helmet with red spotted camo finish. Missing the central screw, otherwise nice. Well inscribed on the interior to a member of the garrison at Ft. Buchanan, Puerto Rico. $245
HH-2045  Small 9TH Air Force Grouping. Includes helmet, dog tags, knife with incorrect sheath and more. $175
HH-2044  WW2 Naval Officers gray M-1 helmet with tactical signs applied to each side in white. Painted over after the action. Can't find out what the signs mean yet. Any assistance would be appreciated. The last image is outlined to make it easier to see. $495
  HH-2043  WW2 front seam, fixed loop helmet with net. Nice liner which has been repainted. $475
HH-2041  WW2 Air Corps Mechanics cap. Shows actual use and wear. $85
HH-2040  Wool Officers visor cap. Good condition overall. Dates to 1945-47 time period. $120
HH-2039  Wool enlisted visor cap. Good condition overall. $85ON HOLD
HH-2034  Fantastic wool/ felt reversible ball cap. Very nice overall. $195
HH-2033  WW2 rear seam, wivel bale helmet. Exc condition, Westinghouse liner. $250
HH-2032  Choice, scarce enlisted WW2 Bancroft Flighter, "Crusher", by Feldman Uniform, Olive Drab color. $315
HH-2031  Scarce Naval Officers Gray overseas cap. $50
HH-2030  Post WW2 A-1 Flight Visor. Most likely for Observation Aircraft. $70
HH-2029  WWII US Navy WAVEs overseas caps. Nice condition overall. Named to Rita Hoffman. $65
HH-2026  WW2 front seam, fixed loop helmet. Nice liner, but the liner has been repainted. $495
HH-2024  WW2 front seam, fixed loop helmet. Nice liner that has been repainted. $495
HH-2020  WW2 WAAC Officers hat. $210
    HH-2016  Front seam, fixed bail M-1 helmet with liner. Shows lots of actual use and wear. $425
    HH-2014  Front Seam, fixed bail, M-1 helmet with very nice liner. $450
  HH-2013  WW2 Swivel bail helmet with personalization. $375
HH-2010  Nice early style Red Cross Women's hat. $235
HH-2003  WW2 Red Cross Women's Cap. $95
HH-2002  Red Cross cap in gray. $95
HH-2001  WW2 Navy WAVE hat. $95
HH-2000  WW2 khaki cotton overseas cap. $45
HH-1998  WW2 Women's WAAC cap. $195
HH-1997  WW2 Summer flight helmet with headset. $225
HH-1994  WW2 Enlisted Mans visor cp. $70
HH-1992   WW2 British C- Type Helmet as used by British and American Forces. $310
HH-1991  WW2 enlisted man's wool side cap. $35
HH-1990  Enlisted cotton side cap. $20
HH-1987  1944 dated Field Cap. $40
HH-1983  Very rare HBT Officers overseas cap. $225
HH-1974   WW2 US Navy Watch Cap.$195
HH-1973  WW2 Officers cap. $50
HH-1959  WW2 Army HBT utility cap. $95
HH-1958  WW2 Army HBT utility cap. $95
  HH-1955  WW2 front seam, swivel bail helmet with liner. Very nice overall. $245 ON HOLD
HH-1947  WW2 WAAC overseas cap in khaki cotton. $70
HH-1946  WW2 Women Officers WAVE overseas cap. $60  $SOLD$
HH-1926  Choice WWII khaki Daisy Mae, approx. size 6 5/8. $85
HH-1891  Choice tan Officers garrison cap. $60
HH-1884  WW2 piped Khaki Officers Side Cap. $40
HH-1876  Interesting decorated Navy White cap. $50
HH-1835  Rare black and orange Tank Destroyer piped overseas cap. $155
HH-1804  WW2 Mint Officers cap. $35
HH-1760  Air Corps Piped Overseas Cap. $40
HH-1759  WW2 Field Cap. Exc condition. $55
HH-1757   Post WW2 MB-3 Flying Helmet. These were originally painted white. It is a cork style helmet. I think some of these may have been used as jump helmets in the 1950s-60s, even though that was not their original purpose. $250
HH-1742  WW1 Infantry garrison cap. $40
HH-1727   WW2 Womens Daisy Mae Hat, very nice condition. $95
HH-1725  WW2 Fatigue Cap, very soft material. Looks to be rigger made. $135
HH-1724   Very nice Officers Garrison Cap. $50
HH-1717    WW2 Enlisted khaki, "pink" enlisted cap. Great baggy top look. $130$SOLD$
HH-1711  Very nice WW2 Air Corps Enlisted Overseas cap. $50ON HOLD
HH-1704  WW2 Navy/ Marine Corps Summer Flight Helmet. Choice condition. $150
HH-1702  WW2 Double Eyelet WAAC Daisy Mae cap. Lacks its label. Good condition overall. $75
HH-1691  WAAC enlisted piped overseas cap. $80
  HH-1650  WW2 Enlisted Overseas cap with letters, photos and souvenirs. Even a WW2 Condom. $125
HH-1632  Buff colored QMC enlisted cap. $35
HH-1591   WW2 period wool visor cap. Type brought overseas and worn by GIs. $75
HH-1580   Choice mint WWII green Daisy Mae, size 6 5/8. MINT. $60
HH-1520  Marine enlisted cap in khaki. $30
HH-1129   WWII enlisted Glider Signal Corps overseas cap. $150
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