WWI United States Headgear |
H-2298 Choice American WW1 helmet. $140ON
H-2297 Amazing 332ND Infantry Officers Grouping.
Includes an impressive camouflage helmet with extra large
332ND infantry insignia across the front. In addition, his
photo album, loaded with shots of his units' activities in
Italy, and his ditty bag. Photo album is
very loose and coming apart. Needs to be have the sheets
placed clear sleeves. A VERY impressive 332 set!! $2195$SOLD$ |
H-2296 Very rare WW1 camouflage helmet for the 302ND
Motor Truck Company with full liner and strap. $595$SOLD$ |
H-2295 Very scarce 101ST Sanitary Train, 26TH Division
helmet with full liner and strap. A "1" has been added to
the front for some unknown reason. $260 |
H-2294 WW1 US Officers visor cap in very good
condition overall. One break to the leather chinstrap which
could be repaired with a little patience. $175 |
H-2293 Fantastic 6TH Marine Regt. helmet,
Headquarters Company. Full liner, missing part of chistrap.
Drilled for the Wilmer eye shield. $1495 |
H-2292 Extremely RARE! Truck Company #4 painted and
camouflaged helmet. Lacks liner and strap. $595$SOLD$ |
H-2291 Great set of US Army cold weather muskrat hat
and gauntlets for the Siberian Expeditionary Forces. Very
nice $575$SOLD$ |
H-2290 WW1 Armored Camouflage helmet with full liner.
Good condition overall. $795$SOLD$ |
H-2288 Infantrymans overseas cap. $45 |
H-2287 WW1 Musicians overseas cap. Very nice. $55 |
H-2280 Headquarters, 23RD Infantry, 2ND Division, AEF,
painted helmet. Lacks interior. Apperars to be marked to "H"
Company, of the 23RD. $475 |
H-2265 Amazingly RARE!! WW1 American Volunteer
Ambulance Driver in Italy. Yes... thats the same Red Cross
with Ernest Hemmingway!! This Driver almost certainly knew
him. Hemmingway was in Section 4 and this driver was in
Ambulance section 5. First one I have ever seen or heard of.
Clearly named with abbreviation "C.R.A." which stands for
"Croce Rossa Americano", American Red Cross. Very nice
condition with some small moth nips. Great Rome, Italy maker
embossed liner. $995
H-2264 It has been a few years since I have had one of
these. North Russian Expeditionary Force Helmets are
extremely rare and seldom seen. Lacks liner and strap. $695
H-2279 WW1 Camo helmet with "No. 1" on the
front. Lacks liner and strap. $190 |
H-2277 WW1 Engineers overseas cap. $45 |
H-2276 WW1 private purchase Overseas cap with USQMC
disc. $40 |
H-2275 Set of (2), his and hers Polish American
Veterans caps. $40 |
H-2270 Scarce Officers Motor Transport Corps overseas
cap with purple piping. $135ON
H-2269 WW1 Air Corps hat cord. $35 |
H-2268 WW1 Signal Corps hat cord. $25 |
H-2267 WW1 Signal Corps hat cord. $25 |
H-2263 French helmet inscribed to a American
Field Service driver who drove with SSU #17. Lacks liner and
chinstrap. Nicely marked. $595 |
H-2261 Very nice 27TH Division helmet with liner and
strap. $295 |
H-2260 Very scarce WW1 visor cap weather cover as used
by American Volunteers and US Army Officers in foul weather.
$195 |
H-2259 Overseas cap with RARE Electrician disc. $135 |
H-2258 WW1 Camo helmet with liner and broken
chin strap. $155 |
H-2257 Overseas cap with Aviation disc. $65ON
H-2256 WW1 Navy Foul Weather cap. $75 |
H-2253 WW1 Nurses wide brim, black hat as worn by Nurses,
Red Cross Women War Workers, Hello Girls, Women of YMCA and
YWCA etc.. $525 |
H-2249 Scarce WW1 7TH Division folk art decorated camo
helmet with stars and stripes shield. Complete chinstrap,
just lacks liner. Easily replaced if you wish. $225 |
H-2248 WW1 77TH Division decorated helmet,
formed into a trench art lamp shade. $145 |
H-2247 1920s "Cootie Club" cap. $25 |
H-2246 1930s "Cootie Club" cap. $25 |
H-2244 WW1 Custom EM overseas cap. $40 |
H-2243 British contract US enlisted mans cap. $40 |
H-2231 WWI enlisted mans overseas cap. Very nice. $40 |
H-2230 WW1 British contract US overseas cap. $50 |
H-2228 WW1 US Doughboy’s Camouflage helmet with camo
pattern being made up of all animals. Interlocking birds,
pigs, cows, a horse, goats, sheep, dogs, snakes and a
rabbit. I have only heard a a couple of these over the
years. This one lacks liner and strap. VERY unusual and
rare. $475 |
H-2222 WWI US Navy Flat Hat with name on the
interior. $60 |
H-2220 Rare 5TH Division Camo helmet . The camo is a
field camo as seen in period photos. Areas of the helmet
have been lightly blackened. One break to chinstrap,
beautiful liner. $275 |
H-2210 WW1 Overseas cap. $55 |
H-2197 WW1 US Marine Corps Visor Cap. Very
nice condition overall. This light color was prevalent
during 1917-18. $495 $SOLD$ |
H-2191 WW1 101ST Engineer helmet of the 26TH Division. Full
liner and strap. $245 |
H-2188 One of the nicest 3RD Division Camos I have
seen. It appears the Veteran at one point used it as a lamp
shade and removed the chinstrap rings and shellacked the
interior to make it more reflective. Really a masterpiece of
folk art color usage and design. $795
$SOLD$ |
H-2177 WW1 Camouflage helmet with full liner. Lacks
chinstrap. $275 |
H-2175 Named 40TH Division helmet with liner and
broken chin strap. Phil Garn was in the 145TH Field
Artillery. $295 |
H-2169 WWI wool, enlisted overseas cap with hat
device. $45ON HOLD |
H-2168 Choice side cap with unit designation for
the 378TH. $60 |
H-2166 WW1 Cavalry overseas cap. $60 |
H-2163 WWI wool, enlisted overseas cap with hat
device. $40 |
H-2162 WW1 Chemical Corps overseas cap. $140 |
H-2161 35TH Division Camo with battle and city
inscriptions including, "Verdun", "Toul", Cologne" and
"Brest". Lacks liner and strap. $245 |
H-2159 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$50 |
H-2158 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$45 |
H-2156 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$45 |
H-2155 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$45 |
H-2152 Officers medical overseas cap. $55ON
H-2151 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$45 |
H-2149 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$45 |
H-2144 WW1 wool enlisted overseas cap.$45 |
H-2133 Very nice WW1 wool overseas cap. $45 |
H-2132 Very nice WW1 wool overseas cap. $45 |
H-2120 Nice WW1 Overseas cap with disc. $40 |
H-2119 WW1 US enlisted overseas cap. Good condition
overall. $40 |
H-2109 Captured Mexican Border sombrero. Very nice
condition overall. $395 |
H-2095 WW1 Overseas cap. Very nice. $40 |
H-2082 French made wool US overseas cap. $60 |
H-2081 French made wool US overseas cap. $60 |
H-2067 Interesting stateside made overseas cap. $40 |
H-2062 British made overseas cap. $55 |
H-1978 WW1 Recruiting and Armored, Red/ White
and Blue campaign hat cord. $45 |
H-1892 WWI US Navy cap with named tally, "USS Quinnebaug, some moth bites as shown. $60 |
H-1797 WWI Red White and Blue campaign hat cord. Some
fraying to acorns. $45 |
H-1373 WWI US Navy USS Albatross Hat Tally. Good
condition. May not be full length. $45 |
H-1280 WWI Period Cap for the "Ancient and Honorable
Artillery". $35 |
H-1057 WWI Rubberized Canvas Officers overseas
cap. Evidence of rank and branch of service insignia.
Stamped size on the interior. Very scarce. $85 |