WWI Equipment |
E-4985 Rare WW1 Trench sign recovered during a
battlefiled trip in the 1920s. Showed the storage location
of V.B. Rifle grenades. 4 x 6 inches. $295 |
E-4984 Choice WW1 Canteen. The best!! $180 |
E-4983 WW1 Cleaning Kit. $55 |
E-4982 1914 dated early Model 1910 aid pouch. $135 |
E-4981 Very nice decorated 3RD Division Gas Mask bag
with mask. $250 |
E-4980 Rare WW1 US Marine Corps Officers
binoculars. 3 digit serial number. Very tough to find. $250 |
E-4979 WW1 shelter half, pole and pegs. Shows
lots of use and wear. $150 |
E-4978 Scarce 14TH Cavalry pack and tail. $90 |
E-4977 WW1 Wool Toque. $65 |
E-4976 1916 dated Individual Dressing Packet. $75 |
E-4975 Set of WW1 unit marked dog tags. $45 |
E-4974 WW1 Officers Marching Compass. $40 |
E-4973 WW1 Enlisted Mans Garrison belt with scarce accessory
hanger. $165 |
E-4972 Nicely decorated WWI French or British made
Haversack inscribed to an MP in the 7TH Division. $110 |
E-4971 WW1 Bacon Ration Crate. Measures 17 x 17 inches. Has
original top boards as it was opened from the bottom. $225 |
E-4970 WW1 Grenade body. Exc condition just needs a fuse.
$110 |
E-4969 WWI Officers boots. Good condition overall. One boot
has a split on the rear seam. Very nice overall. $100 |
E-4968 WW1 Kodak Vest Pocket Camera.
These were heavily marketed to Soldiers and their
families. They were marketed as a portable camera that
Soldiers could take overseas. $120 |
E-4967 WWI Trench Shovel $80 |
E-4966 WW1 enlisted mans shirt. Very good condition
overall. $70 |
E-4965 WW1 shirt showing numerous Doughboy repairs.
$65 |
E-4964 WW1 Shirt. Very nice condition over all. $75 |
E-4963 Small lot to one Soldier. Includes his dog tags,
Victory Medal. Section of his identified gas mask bag,
collar discs and his Catholic "Scapula", the wool covered
squares. One is worn toward the front, the other the rear.
$95 |
E-4962 WWI Gas Mask set. Mask is still pliable,
hose is a rock. Canister has become detached due to hose
separation. $75 |
E-4961 Model 1918 enlisted man Garrison belt with
clip pouches. $155 |
E-4960 WW1 Trench periscope named to "D. M. Brodie"
St. Mihiel, 1918. Rare to have a periscope like this with
name and battle attribution. $225 |
E-4957 WW1 Foot Powder as issues to all Doughboys to
prevent "Trench Foot". $60 |
E-4956 WW1 Leather Jerkin. Exc condition overall. $275 |
E-4955 WW1 Gas Alarm Rattle. Good condition overall.
$155 |
E-4954 WW1 French Offensive Grenade as used by both
French and American Forces.
INERT and Empty. $295 |
E-4953 Very nice 1916 dated flashlight. Choice condition.
$95 |
E-4952 WWI Rifle Grenadiers chest pack. $45 |
E-4951 10 Pocket Ammo belt. Good condition overall.
$125 |
E-4950 WWI Gas Mask set. Typical dry and brittle mask.
Canister has become detached due to hose separation. $75 |
E-4948 Very early Ambulance Drivers armband from early
1915. This driver served for 2 1/2 months and left before
his 3 month commitment was up, so his name was not
included in "Friends of France". Very scarce. $350
E-4947 Scarce American Field Service presented wallet.
These were given to Drivers at Christmas time. $160 |
E-4946 Rare Soldiers Diary with a celluliod cover. $80 |
E-4945 WW1 US Army Issue Raincoat with contract stamp. Very
nice overall, showing actual use and wear. $495 |
E-4944 Set of Knights of Columbus stationary. $35 |
E-4943 WWI US Kitchen boiler. $90 |
E-4942 Fantastic field made Carbide lamp made from
Artillery shell parts. Carbide was used in the antique car
lights of the period. It is a powder that produces flammable
gas when water is slowly dripped on it. Flame would come out
of the spout. About 11 inches in height. $100
E-4941 WW1 BAR belt in choice condition. $150 |
E-4940 Small lot including dog tag, compass, lighter
and small scale. $80 ON HOLD |
E-4934 Very rare WW1 American Field Service Ambulance
donors brass plaque. Each organization or person who donated
an ambulance could choose the wording on the plaque. It
would be affixed to the side of the ambulance and after the
War, they were supposed to be returned to the donor. Few
were. This donor was the citizens of "Franklin, New
Hampshire". $595
E-4933 WWI 45 Automatic clip pouches. choice
condition, varied construction and markings.
OUR CHOICE. $30 each |
E-4932 Small Navy/ Marine Corps surgical kit as
carried by Navy Physicians and Corpsmen attached to the
Marine Corps in France. $255 |
E-4929 WW1 Shelter Half. Good condition overall. $130 |
E-4927 WWI Pick Mattock and Carrier. $90 |
E-4926 British contract made Officers Haversack with "US"
and Broad Arrow markings with 1918 date. $120 |
E-4924 WW1 US Issue bugle. $110 |
E-4920 Fantastic WW1 Mess Kit with wonderful image of
this Soldiers Girl, etched into the surface. $80 |
E-4919 Scarce Model 1916 Bacon Can with contractor
markings. $40 |
E-4918 Set of unissued WW1 US Army cutlery. Some
rust stains as shown from poor storage, should clean up. $40 |
E-4917 WW1 Officers Haversack. Some wear to bottom leather,
otherwise very nice. $95 |
E-4915 WW1 First Aid packet. $65 |
E-4914 Rare Officers Sam Brown belt with accessory grommets
to hang equipment from. $120 |
E-4913 WW1-1920s National Colors for a regiment in
regulation size. 4 x 6 feet. Choice condition in silk. $215 |
E-4912 Exceptionally rare and early Volunteer
American Ambulance Field Service drivers armband, dating from 1915. We can date
the armband from the early usage of "Section Sanitaire
Automobile American." or abbreviated "SSA". This was found
to be too easily confused with English Ambulances who used.
"Section Sanitaire Automobile Anglais" , also abbreviated
"SSA". Due to this fact the Americans were rebranded as
"Section Sanitaire Etas Unis" or "SSU". The other stamp
reads "American Ambulance, Paris" and " Hop. Benevole, 2ND",
"Service Mobile" or the Volunteer Hospital Volunteer
2ND, Mobile
Service. Extremely RARE. This is the only one I have heard
of $450
E-4911 Scarce YMCA "Trench Checkers". Exc condition
overall. $110 |
E-4910 WW1 Officers Pistol lanyard. shows actual use and
wear. $65 |
E-4909 WW1 Officers Private Purchase, low quarter boots.
$200 |
E-4907 WW1 Officers Pistol lanyard. shows actual use and
wear. $65 |
E-4905 Choice set of wool puttees. $40 |
E-4904 Choice set of wool puttees. $40 |
E-4903 WW1 Officers leather leggings. $50 |
E-4900 WW1 Aviators goggles and case. $155 |
E-4899 Rare large "Desert" experimental canteen. These
are about 30% larger than a standard pumpkin Seed canteen.
$255 |
E-4898 WW1 Dot Snap Ammo belt. Just shows light use.
$125 |
E-4897 WW1 Artillery model leggings with leather inner
side. $50 |
E-4896 WW1 Trouser belt. $35 |
E-4895 WW1 Ammo belt. One repair to front edge where
the clasp is located. The edge has been resewn. $75 |
E-4893 Named American Field Service coin purse.
Prescott W. Lentell of Canton, Mass. He drove with TMU 133.
$65 |
E-4892 WW1 Trench Watch holder. $75
E-4890 WW1 Officers Private Purchase haversack. Most
likely English. MINT! $145 |
E-4889 WWI Officers garrison Belt with chape and
sword hangers. Excellent overall. $495 |
E-4888 WW1 Dog Tag Stamping kit. Good condition
overall. $225ON HOLD |
E-4886 Regimental ID bracelet. $35 |
E-4885 WW1 NCO compass pouch. $45 |
E-4884 WW1 Regulation Motorcycle Gauntlets, Wool and
leather gauntlets. $135 |
E-4883 Punitive Expedition/ Mexican Border Campaign
artillery guidon for the 4TH US Artillery. 26 x 43 inches.
$195 |
E-4879 Rare WW1 US Soldiers poncho. Exc
condition overall. $490 |
E-4877 WW1 Wool Puttees. $45 |
E-4875 VERY rare Stenciled Flour Sack for the
Commission for Relief in Belgium, the "CRB", raised
millions of dollars to provide flour to the Belgian
People, trapped in the German occupation, to prevent
starvation. $285 |
E-4874 WW1 wooden belt Trench Periscope. $175 |
E-4870 Clip pouch for the 45 Automatic. $25 |
E-4867 Scarce 1906 dated 03 Springfield Bayonet.
Nickeled. otherwise good condition. $115 |
E-4866 WWI British Gas Mask Bag. Excellent condition
overall. Bright and clean. Includes a "US" production gas
mask, typical dry and hard. Nice Diary inscription on one
side. $195
E-4864 WW1 Soldiers Cleaning Rod and case. $70 |
E-4862 WW1 Private purchase shirt with Marine cut
pockets. $75 |
E-4861 WWI Gas Mask and Bag. Bag is very nice. Mask is
dry and brittle and has pulled away from the hose. $85 |
E-4857 1917 dated 45 Automatic in excellent
condition. $155 |
E-4856 Set of 2 "Son in Service Flags" for a family
with 2 serving Soldiers, one of whom died in service. $95
$SOLD$ |
E-4855 1ST Aid Packet carrier. $60 |
E-4853 WW1 Canteen set. VG condition with bottle and
cup. $130 |
E-4852 WW1 Surgical Instrument sterilization tray in
steel and copper. Approx 10 inches in length. $65 |
E-4851 WWI Eagle Snap Officers Map Case with original
shoulder strap. $230 |
E-4850 WW1 10 Pocket Ammunition belt. $130 |
E-4849 WWI Officer's Boots. Excellent condition. $110 |
E-4846 WW1 Trench Boots. Choice condition overall.
During the War footwear was heavy and stiff. They did not
have the ability to deal with foot defects, like bunions. If
you had a bulge in your foot, all you could do is just ask
for a slightly larger size. Also if one of your books was
damaged, the correct size was not always available. This set
has always been together although one is a 10 1/2 and the
other a 12. Nice set. Almost unworn. $695
E-4842 Nice named Gas Mask set for an MP in the 301ST
Military Police Company. $130 |
E-4839 Fantastic WW1 Officers garrison belt with saber chape and hangers. CHOICE condition!! You won't see much
better than this. $595 |
E-4835 WW1 Pineapple, late War. Very nice
condition. $355 |
E-4826 WW1 Enlisted man's garrison belt with sword/
holster hanger slide. $180 |
E-4825 Carry bag for BAR or Model 1903 Rifle carry
case for overseas travel. $195 |
E-4824 Choice WW1 Canteen and cover. Scarce maker.
$150 |
E-4820 Very RARE, American Ambulance Field Service", brass
ambulance donor's plate. These ambulances were purchased
through fund raising. The name of the Donor or group would
be inscribed on these brass plates and affixed to the right
side of the vehicle, just back from the drivers bench. The
original intent was that these be returned to the donors
after the War along with a certificate of thanks. After the
US Army federalized the ambulance service in the Fall of
1917, some of these found their way into the duffle bags of
drivers. $795
E-4819 Identified American Field Service Drivers writing
case to hold stationary and pencils. $150 |
E-4811 WW1 Medical Department campaign hat cord. $40 |
E-4809 WW1 Officers Trench Watch. Good condition
overall. Non working. Needs a strap. $130 |
E-4800 WW1 wool toque. $40 |
E-4799 WW1 wool sweater vest. Fade line on the back
side. Will not show when on display. $45 |
E-4798 1920s Sam Brown belt sword hanger. $35 |
E-4793 WW1 Officers Garrison belt with sword hanger uniform
protector. $390
E-4790 WW1 US Training Grenade. $75 |
E-4789 WW1 Enlisted mans Garrison belt and pouches.
About mint!! $250 |
E-4785 Choice WW1 Pistol Belt. $55 |
E-4783 Choice WW1 Eagle snap map case with strap. Very
nice condition. $290 |
E-4782 WW1 wool bunting guidon for Company "C" of the
302ND Engineers. Measures 24 x 40 inches. $295 |
E-4781 WW1silk 48 star flag. measures 31 x 24 inches.
$60 |
E-4777 Model 1917 Trench Knife. Exc condition
overall, lacks scabbard. $450 |
E-4776 WW1 US Army Shelter Half. $125 |
E-4775 WW1 Stonebridge Folding Lantern with original
advertisement. $160 |
E-4770 WW1 Gas Rattle. $100 |
E-4767 WW1 Personal effects bag. Would have
contained goodies from home when sent and then used as a bag
later. $30 |
E-4766 WW1 US Marine Corps Mess Hall Fork. $45 |
E-4765 WWI Signal Corps
U.S. Army Airplane Radio Transmitting and Receiving Set
Type S.C.R. 68 Made by Western Electric Co. This set is
all original and seems to have all the parts- including
the RARE, original tubes. The outside has no damage
and has all the proper ID plates. The inside is complete
and in fantastic condition- as the picture shows- the
wiring diagram has some damage. The SCR 68 was one of the
first steps for pilots and ground commanders to
communicate during WWI. It operated at 750 kHz (400 meter
wavelength), using a long wire antenna reeled out behind
the aircraft. This is an ultra rare, museum quality piece
of WWI aviation history and would be an excellent addition
to any military collection. $2295 |
E-4764 WW1 Type EE Signal Corps Binoculars with
original case. Binoculars are MINT. Case is excellent except
it is missing its compass on the lid. $225
E-4759 Large ammo style chest with well made
dovetails. This one however is not for ammunition but for
other supplies. It measures 20 inches in length x 8 x 6.5
inches. $245 |
E-4750 WW1 Blue wool toque. $65 |
E-0001 Back in Stock!! We have acquired a small box of 1990s reprints of a
1921 Mills Equipment Catalog showing the various items being
offered through Military Outfitters and Suppliers during
WWI. $5 each WITH
E-4731 Jewish Prayer Book as given to Soldiers. $50 |
E-4730 Very nice Aviator style Officers
Boots. $130 |
E-4727 Very nice named set of Officers binoculars fo
ran Officer in the 3RD Battalion of the 17TH Field
Artillery, 2ND Division, AEF. Tip of latch strap is missing,
otherwise nice. These show quite a bit of actual use and
wear. $225 |
E-4723 1917 dated De-capping set with photocopy of the
original manual. $150 |
E-4722 WW1 US Army shelter half. Very well worn, but
nicely marked and dated. $110 |
E-4705 WW1 Individual dressing carrier. $65 |
E-4704 WW1 10 pocket ammo belt. Exc condition. $165 |
E-4700 WW1 Individual dressing carrier. $55 |
E-4692 10 pocket ammo belt, exc condition. $150 |
E-4669 WW1 Individual Dressing Packet case. $60 |
E-4668 WW1 Individual Dressing Packet. Opened to show
interior. $50 |
E-4663 Rare 2 Star Generals flag for a Division
Commander. Good condition overall. a little staining as
shown, but very scarce. Approx 3 x 5 feet. $225 |
E-4659 WW1 Private Purchase wool shirt. Shows actual
use and wear. $70 |
E-4657 WWI Rifle Grenade Vest. Mint un-issued
condition. $45 |
E-4655 WW1 US Water Bucket. $65 |
E-4652 WW1 Trench mirror with museum tag. $60 |
E-4633 WWI Officer's pistol belt with saber chape.
$100 |
E-4631 WWI Canteen and cover. Very nice condition
overall. $120 |
E-4615 Model 1910 , 10 Pocket enlisted ammo belt. Exc
condition showing light use. $130 |
E-4614 Model 1910 , 10 Pocket enlisted ammo belt. Exc
condition showing light use. $130 |
E-4608 WWI Officers Boot Jack, as used by most
overseas Officers to remove their mud encrusted boots. $40 |
E-4589 Set of WW1 Officers boot pulls. $35 |
E-4588 WW1 period whistle. $40 |
E-4565 WW1 Clothing bag. $55 |
E-4547 Choice set of WW1 Doughboy mess gear. $75 |
E-4539 WW1 US Navy tanktop shirt. $75 |
E-4538 Model 1910 leather map case with shoulder sling.
Missing the leather closure tab on the front and a crack to
interior plastic as shown. $85 |
E-4513 Scarce WW1 Catholic Soldier prayer book. $40 |
E-4499 Very nice 4 x 6 foot US cotton flag. Nice
shape. One small rip as shown. $140 |
E-4498 Set of 8 typical US Officers manuals. Typical
for all Officers of Captain and higher. $90 |
E-4495 WW1 Stationary and cards. These are
NOT being sold as a lot.
You will receive (2) YMCA postcards, (1) YMCA envelope, (2)
YMCA sheets of stationary and (1) wooden pencil. $35 per
set. |
E-4459 WW1 deluxe money belt with wide wrap
around straps. $125 |
E-4438 WW1 Sewing Kit. Choice condition. Unusual
purple cloth tape. $45 |
E-4432 WW1 Driver's or Motor Cycle Drivers gloves.
$175 |
E-4425 Scarce Model 1916 Bacon Can with contractor
markings. $45 |
E-4415 Set of unissued WW1 US Army
cutlery. Some rust stains as shown from poor storage, should
clean up. $40 |
E-4413 WW1 "Bacon" can. Soldiers would store their
meat ration within. $50 |
E-4401 Unissued WW1 Forks and Spoons. Unused but need
to be cleaned up from storage. This is all we have from this
old lot. While they last, our choice of a spoon or fork. $15
each |
E-4399 Scarce 1911 dated US Army issue spoon. $35 |
E-4397 Set of unissued WW1 US Army cutlery. Some rust
stains as shown from poor storage, should clean up. $40 |
E-4387 WW1 Grey Wool Scarf. Good condition overall.
$45 |
E-4377 Haversack made from a WW1 Feed Bag. $75 |
E-4352 Choice set of WW1 suspenders. $235 |
E-4330 Officers Black Sam Brown Belt. Average
condition. $45 |
E-4322 WW1 Canteen Bottle $30 |
E-4310 WWI Signal Corps flags and carrier. $120 |
E-4299 Set of 2 cleaning brushes for the 03
Springfield Rifle. $30 |
E-4187 Genuine WWI French Maps, assorted. These
maps are from various areas in France, that were not on the
Western Front but in the rear areas. Maps were purchased for
various areas of France as they did not necessarily know
where the battle may shift. Also troops moving from the
coast to battle areas would be led by Officers using these
maps. Our choice. $35 |
E-4167 WW1 Officers conversational French
language book. $40 |
E-4166 WW1 Handkerchiefs. Our choice $20 |
E-4156 Officers Personal Effects wall bag. This was
hung at your bunk and hung from the 2 eyelets. The pouches
contained various personal grooming, toiletry, and other
items. Fairly scarce. $75 |
E-4140 WWI "Hate" belt. with 20 collar discs including,
Train, MTC, Engineer, Ordinance, USQMC, Medical, Artillery
and more. $155 |
E-4001 US Marine stationed at St. Nazzaire France.
Identified to "J. C. Gaskins, Jr.", one of the Guard Units
of the 5TH Brigade. $75 |
E-3943 WWI Model 1910 Canteen bottle. $30 |
E-3927 WI Officers Inflatable bed pillow. $75 |
E-3925 WWI Trench Mirror. $40 |
E-3911 81ST Division, 161ST Field Artillery Brigade
horse feed bag. Choice condition. $85 |
E-3868 WWI Soldiers bag. $35 |
E-3783 WWI Aviators goggles. These safety anti shatter
goggles are made of 2 layers with clean sealant in between.
Sometimes this inner layer goes bad showing this
discoloration. Can be pulled apart and cleaned if you
desire. $95 |
E-3779 Fantastic WW1 Pilots Flight Goggle Case. Choice
condition. $90 |
E-3771 Fantastic ditty bag which was used by a member
of the 103RD Trench Mortar Battery to ship captured German
helmet home through the mail. $165 |
E-3770 WWI Signal Corps Flag. $40 |
E-3654 Marine Corps Rifle Scorebook. $40 |
E-3648 WWI US Navy Dog Tag. $55 |
E-3647 WWI US Navy Swim Trunks. $45 |
E-3577 WWI Model 1910 Canteen bottle. $30 |
E-3576 WWI Model 1910 Canteen bottle. $30 |
E-3041 Set of 4 different bakelite buttons for Marine
Corps, Knights of Columbus, YMCA and Jewish Welfare Board.
$80 |
E-2877 WWI Red Cross Armband for a women involved with
garment distribution. $75 |
E-2748 1914 dated Rock Island Arsenal Haversack. Some
soldier naming to the front cover. $55 |
E-2608 WWI Mills manufactured case for the Signal Flag
case. $45 |
E |
E-2498 WWI French made mirror, holder and outer
case. $35 |
E-2488 WWI Shaving Mirror and case. $30 |
E-2436 Choice medium brown leather leggings. $65 |
E-2253 Great WWI Red Cross Ditty Bag. $50 |