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 WWI Metal Insignia
Note- For finding ease, we are now listing all standard enlisted branch of service and "US" variant collar insignia, at the bottom of the page. This includes US with USNG and USNA Variants as well as all branches of service. Numbered and unusual insignia will populate the rest of the category.
MI-2013    Rare WW1 Sterling, 3 inch, Pilot's wing made by the W. Link Company and so hallmarked. Very nice overall witht he name "Marion" hand engraved into the reverse, possibly th ePilots last name. Missing its catch, but otherwise very nice. Some price tag adhesive on the reverse. $1395
MI-2012  Astounding WW1 American Field Service trench art lighter with monogram initials and unit insignia (like a squadron pin) for Group Ordway. TMU 184, the American Field Service unit was part of this unit. You can see the insignia painted on the side of the vehicle.4 inches in width. Really one of the coolest AFS items that I have seen. $595
MI-2011  RARE American Ambulance badge as worn by Nurses, Aides, Orderlies and Others. Much rarer than AFS insignia. $695
MI-2010  Standard 1916 style American Ambulance Field Service Drivers cap badge in excellent condition, just lacking is nut. $495
MI-2009  The rarest of all American Ambulance cap badges. There are just 3 of these known to exist. One is in France, 2 are in the United states. One was obtained from the estate of Laurence V. Benet in the 1980s. It appears these were going to be used for the top brass for the Leadership of the American Ambulance. Several examples were produced and worn, but apparently they were not put into use. This may be due to the unfriendly separation of the American Ambulance from the American Field Service in 1916. $1795

MI-2008  Pair of 1915 American Ambulance Driver's "AA" Collar insignia. These were worn until March of 1916 when they started wearing flaming bomb collar tabs. We sold this set a couple of years ago and were fortunate to get them back. These are impossible to find. $725

MI-2007   26TH Division Welcome Home badge with bell. Scarce. $45
MI-2005  Standard 1916-1917 American Field Service Drivers Cap Badge. $495
MI-2004   Rare- Last pattern American Field Service Cap Badge. Just used in late 1917 for a couple of months. $595
MI-2002    Pair of 1915 American Ambulance Driver's cross and shield Collar insignia. These were worn until March of 1916 when they started wearing flaming bomb collar tabs. We sold this set a couple of years ago and were fortunate to get them back. These are impossible to find. $695

MI-2001 The RAREST WW1 American Ambulance Field Service sleeve insignia. First I have owned in over 30 years of collecting AFS material. $595
MI-2000    Standard 1917 style American Ambulance Field Service Drivers cap badge in excellent condition. $495
MI-1999  Standard 1916 style American Ambulance Field Service Drivers cap badge in excellent condition, just lacking is nut. $495
MI-1996  Rare American Ambulance Hospital  badge. It is unclear who wore this badge. It was most likely female staff. I have only seen 4 of these. $395 
MI-1993  MINT buttons on the original makers card.  Sheet of (24) buttons. $95 OR Set of (5) buttons. $25
MI-1992   Scarce OVERCOAT size American Field Service Buttons. I have collected AFS material for over 30 years and have only seen 2 overcoats. This is larger than the normal size tunic buttons. French made. $80
MI-1991  Scarce OVERCOAT size American Field Service Buttons. I have collected AFS material for over 30 years and have only seen 2 overcoats. This is larger than the normal size tunic buttons. French made. $80
MI-1989  Exceptionally RARE, SSU #21, Norton Harjes section, epaulette insignia. This is the only set of these I have ever come across. These are jeweler hand made, sawn out of sheet brass. One has the wires snapped off the reverse. The other is complete. There may have only been 20-30 sets of these ever made. $725
MI-1988    Rare Norton Harjes OFFICERS collar tabs. (Pair) These bullion tabs were only for Officers. The enlisted men would have the embroidered flaming bombs in cotton thread, not the gold bullion ones shown here. $295
MI-1987  Single Norton Harjes Officers collar tab. $135
MI-1983   1903 Coast Artillery , First Class Gunners' badge. This example was given to a member of the 4TH Artillery Corps Band and is impressed on the reverse of the top bar. It is also named on the top bar. $125
MI-1982   1903 Coast Artillery , First Class Gunners' badge. This example was customized by replacing the top bar with this Soldiers Coast Artillery Rifle Marksman's badge. Unique. $200
MI-1977  Rare membership badge for Women serving overseas during WW1. The Women's War Relief Corps badges are all numbered. The simple wire catch on this one has broken as shown. $195
MI-1963  Very rare Norton Harjes ambulance Corps shoulder strap badge. These were all Jeweler made and all cut of of sheet brass by hand. One of the wires has come off. $275
MI-1962  Set of Norton Harjes Ambulance Service buttons. $80
 MI-1960    2.75 inch American Volunteer badge. These came out in 1917, but evidently were not widely adopted, as American entered the War. Few were made but some survived as souvenirs. This one never had the pins attached. $175
MI-1957  Sterling Marksman badge. $40
MI-1956  Bronze, National Guard Marksman badge. $40
MI-1955  Sterling Marksman badge. $40
MI-1953  2.75 inch American Volunteer badge. These came out in 1917, but evidently were not widely adopted, as American entered the War. Few were made but some survived as souvenirs. This one never had the pins attached. $175
MI-1952   Scarce WW1 Officers cap badge for the Brodie or Adrian helmet. British of French made. One wire is broken. Rare.$85
MI-1951  Scarce WW1 Officers cap badge for the overseas cap. British of French made. $85
MI-1950    Pre WW1 small size Captain's bars. $10 each or 2 for $15
MI-1946  Set of (2) 13TH Infantry Officers collar brass. $50
MI-1944  Nice set of insignia from a Captain in the 302ND infantry. Includes everything shown. $150
MI-1943   WW1 US Marine Corps collar disc. $135
MI-1942  WW1 Cavalry Disc. $25
MI-1941   WW1 Ammunition, Supply or Engineer Train. $25
MI-1940  WW1 Ammunition, Supply or Engineer Train. $25
MI-1938  Scarce New Hampshire collar disc. $75
MI-1935  344TH Infantry Officers collar brass. $35
MI-1934  WW1 period, National Guard version of the Marksman badge. $35
MI-1933  WW1 period, National Guard version of the Marksman badge. $35
MI-1932  AEF sweetheart pin. $35
MI-1926  WW1 Period National Guard Sharpshooter badge. $40
MI-1919  WWI Officers visor cap device. $50
MI-1915  Officers collar insignia from an Officer in the  28TH Division. $40
MI-1914 Officers collar insignia from an Officer in the 382ND Infantry which would have been part of the 96TH Division if the War progressed. They existed from Sept-Dec 1918. $35
MI-1911  WWI Captains Bars. Multiple sets available. Faux bullion. $40 pair
MI-1910    WWI Cavalry Disc. $30
MI-1908   Disc with "US 55" $35
MI-1906  Single 23RD Infantry, 2ND Division, Officers collar badge. Broken pin. $55
MI-1905  Single 18TH Infantry, 1ST Division Officers collar badge. Broken pin $40
MI-1901  35TH Division Disc. $30
MI-1898  WWI US 17 collar disc. $35
MI-1890   Rare US Marine Corps Campaign Hat Devices for members of the 11TH Regiment of the 5TH Brigade in France. $35 ea.
MI-1887  8TH Inf disc. $25
MI-1883   Early 20s Howitzer collar disc. $50
MI-1882   PreWW1 13TH Musicians cap badge. $40
MI-1881  "USR" Officers collar insignia. Not an exact match. $40
MI-1880  Scarce Massachusetts Mexican Border period Officers collar insignia. $40
MI-1869  WWI Unattached collar disc. $45
MI-1863  Kentucky collar disc. $35
MI-1862  "US 8" collar disc. $35
MI-1853    WWI collar disc for a member of the 24TH Cavalry. $45
MI-1852  Side view Tank Corps. $125
MI-1844  US 21 Disc. $30
MI-1843  Cav Troop B disc. $35
MI-1837  Texas disc. $35
MI-1832  303RD Infantry Disc. $30
MI-1831  302ND Infantry Disc. $30
MI-1830   US 21 disc. $35
MI-1829  301ST Infantry Disc. $30
MI-1827   New York large block letter disc. Converted to sweetheart pin  $25
MI-1824    US 47 disc. $35
MI-1822  NJR Collar Disc. $35
MI-1818    US 64 disc. $35
MI-1816  US 49 disc. $35
MI-1813  Scarce Headquarters collar disc. $40
MI-1812  CC disc. $35
MI-1804  Texas, pin back disc. $35
MI-1801  French made US pinback $30
MI-1793  Chemical Warfare Disc. $40
MI-1792  Pinback QMC disc. $25
MI-1791  Pinback QMC disc. $25
MI-1789  Matched pair of shirt size Officers "USR". $35
MI-1784  WWI Chemical Corps collar Disc. $45
MI-1777  WWI Musicians disc. $30
MI-1774  WWI Pilots lapel pin. About 3/4 of an inch in length. $55
MI-1771   WWI collar disc for a member of the 1ST Cavalry. $40
MI-1768  WWI Aviation collar disc. $35
MI-1763  US 3 disc. $35
MI-1762  Illinois Collar Disc. $50
MI-1761   Illinois Collar Disc. (Period Version)  $60
MI-1753  Texas State Collar Disc. $40
MI-1752   65TH Infantry, Quartermaster Officer collar insignia. $60
MI-1749  WWI Captains bars. Excel condition. $50
MI-1748   National Guard Marksman badge in bronze. $35
MI-1747  National Guard Sharpshooter badge in bronze. $35
MI-1736   Disc with "US 33" typically used on 33RD Division uniforms. $40
MI-1735   Disc with "US 35" typically used on 35TH Division uniforms. $40
MI-1732  WWI Army Field Clerk collar insignia. The pair. $35
MI-1723  5TH Infantry disc. $35
MI-1719   Cavalry collar disc, Troop F. American made pin back. From the cache of WW1 insignia found in Texas in the 1990s. $35
MI-1716    Cavalry collar disc, Troop G. American made pin back. From the cache of WW1 insignia found in Texas in the 1990s. $35
MI-1715      Cavalry collar disc, Troop K. American made pin back. From the cache of WW1 insignia found in Texas in the 1990s. $35
MI-1714    Cavalry collar disc, Troop L. American made pin back. From the cache of WW1 insignia found in Texas in the 1990s. $35
MI-1712  Transportation disc with "A" scratched into the background representing the 3RD Army. $30
MI-1706  Disc for 88TH Artillery. $25
MI-1705  Disc for 100th Artillery. $30
MI-1700  Disc for 2ND Artillery. $25
MI-1696  Disc for 40TH Artillery. $25
MI-1695  Disc for 5TH Artillery. $25
MI-1691   Collar disc of the 8TH Infantry.8TH Division. $35
MI-1690   Collar disc of the 21ST Infantry. $35
MI-1689  Collar disc of the 21ST Infantry. $35
MI-1688  Collar disc of the 8th Infantry.8TH Division. $35
MI-1686  Collar disc of the 8th Infantry, 8TH Division. $35
MI-1685  Collar disc of the 32ND Infantry. $35
MI-1684  Collar disc of the 22nd Infantry. $35
MI-1682  Collar disc of the 33rd Infantry. $35
MI-1680  Collar disc of the 33rd Infantry. $35
MI-1679  Collar disc of the 46th Infantry. $35
MI-1678  Collar disc of the 14th Infantry. $35
MI-1676  Collar disc of the 44th Infantry. $35
MI-1674  Collar disc of the 17th Infantry. $35
MI-1672  Collar disc of the 13th Infantry. 8th Division. $35
MI-1668  Collar disc of the 5th Infantry. $35
MI-1667  Collar disc of the 5th Infantry. $35
MI-1666  Collar disc of the 10th Infantry. $35
MI-1665  Collar disc of the 6th Infantry. $35
MI-1645  Very nice collar disc for the 21ST Artillery. $40
MI-1641  Very nice collar disc for the  1ST Artillery. $40
MI-1639   Very nice collar disc for the  142ND Artillery. $40
MI-1638   Very nice collar disc for the  2ND Artillery. $40
MI-1637   Very nice musicians disc with superimposed "1".. $40
MI-1603  Cavalry Troop "A". $40
MI-1602   Cavalry Troop "B". $40
MI-1601   Cavalry Troop "C". $40
MI-1600   Cavalry Troop "D". $40
MI-1599  9TH Field Artillery disc. $35
MI-1598  11TH Field Artillery, 6TH Division disc disc. $35
MI-1592  167TH Artillery disc. $30
MI-1591  169TH Artillery disc. $30
MI-1580   Collar disc of the 304TH Infantry of the 76TH Division. $35
MI-1576   Collar disc of the 55TH Infantry of the 7TH Division. $40
MI-1569   Collar disc of the 160TH Infantry of the 40TH Division. $45
MI-1559 US 304TH NA collar disc. 76TH and 77TH divisions. $45
MI-1557  US 138TH collar disc. 35TH and 38TH divisions. $45
MI-1546  Collar disc of the 323RD Artillery of the 83RD Division. $45
MI-1543 Collar disc of the 301ST Artillery of the 76TH Division. $45
  MI-1464  2ND Division, 17TH "US" disc. $55
MI-1462  10TH Artillery disc. $50
MI-1443  Collar disc for the 49TH Infantry Regiment. $35
MI-1415  Oregon Marksman's Medal. $45
MI-1414  National Guard medal from the State of Maine. $40
MI-1412  WWI Period Massachusetts Sharpshooters badge. $40
MI-1400  "US" National Army collar brass. The pair. $35
MI-1371  Victory Loan badge. Approx 1 inch. $30
MI-1363  WWI Army Service Corps collar disc. $40
MI-1348   WWI Marksman's bar. $30
MI-1341 Welcome home pin. 430
MI-1329  US National Guard Disc. $30
MI-1324  Kansas or Kentucky State Guard Disc. $35
MI-1323  2ND Infantry Disc. $30
MI-1307  WWI Sharpshooter badge. $40
MI-1305   WWI National Guard Marksman Badge. $35
MI-1206   Collar disc for the 7TH Artillery of the 1ST Division. $40
MI-1203   US disc as used by numbered regiments. $30
MI-1202   Collar disc for the 11TH Artillery of the 6TH Division. $35
MI-1201   Collar disc for the 157TH Artillery, 40TH Division. $35
MI-1198   Collar disc for the 13TH Artillery. $35
MI-1197  WWI collar disc for a member of the 303RD Infantry Regiment of the 76TH Division. $35
MI-1196   WWI collar disc for a member of the 302ND Infantry Regiment of the 76TH Division. $35
MI-1194   WWI collar disc for a member of the 10TH Infantry Regiment of the 14TH Division. $35
MI-1192  Collar disc for the 88TH Artillery. $35
MI-1186     WWI collar disc for the 301ST Artillery, 76TH Division. $40
MI-1172    WWI collar disc for the 34TH Infantry, 7TH Division. $30
MI-1164    WWI collar disc for the 10TH Infantry, 14TH Division. $30
MI-1126   301ST Infantry collar brass. $35
MI-1125   301ST Artillery collar brass. $35
MI-1123   303RD Infantry collar brass. $35
MI-1121   303RD Artillery collar brass. $35
MI-1115  WWI Army Service Corps collar disc. $40
MI-1071  Ca. 1920 insignia for Howitzer Troops. $25
MI-1063   "US 41" disc, excellent condition. $40
MI-1057  Pin back Motor Transport Corps collar disc. $30
MI-1032  Motor Transport Corps, disc, pinback. $35  
MI-1029   WWI Field Clerks matched pair of collar insignia. $40
MI-1027  Army Service Corps disc. $55
MI-995    WWI Air Corps disc. $40
MI-959    Motor Transport Collar disc with smooth tire. $35
MI-957       Motor Transport Collar disc with smooth tire. $35
MI-936  WWI Kansas State Guard Collar Disc. $45
MI-934  WWI Kentucky State Collar Disc. $45
MI-927  WWI New Jersey State Collar Disc. $50
MI-906   WWI Georgia State Collar Disc. $50
MI-875   Headquarters Disc. $40
MI-873   US Trains Disc, for Supply Trains, Ammo Trains etc.. $20
MI-863   US National Army disc. $25
MI-862  US Reserve collar disc. $25
MI-856  French made USQMC collar device. $20
MI-855  1ST Artillery, Battery A disc. This would be for National Guard Troops. $25
MI-845  3RD Infantry Company K  collar disc. $25
MI-843   3RD Infantry Company D   collar disc. $25
MI-842  3RD Infantry Company B   collar disc. $25
MI-841  3RD Infantry Company M   collar disc. $25
MI-840  3RD Infantry Company A  collar disc. $25
MI-838  1ST Infantry Company C  collar disc. $25
MI-837  1ST Infantry Company  D collar disc. $25
MI-836  1ST Infantry Company H  collar disc. $25
MI-835  1ST Infantry Company L  collar disc. $25
MI-834  1ST Infantry Company  K collar disc. $25
MI-833  1ST Infantry Company I  collar disc. $25
MI-832   WWI enlisted garrison cap badge from the 1ST Infantry regiment. $45
M-806  Scarce Musician's collar disc with Company "I" designation. $50
M-805  63RD Infantry Disc. $30
MI- 773  Set of Field Clerk collar brass with blackened finish. $30
MI-766  US Train Disc. $20
MI- 677  Scarce circa 1922 Trench Mortar Disc. $55
MI- 657  22ND Coast Artillery. $35
MI- 656  US 64 Disc. $30
MI- 653  4TH Field Artillery, Battery A. $30
MI- 652  2ND Artillery of the 8TH Division. AEF. $35
MI- 651 3RD Division, company D. $35
M-610   WWI Aviation collar disc. $35
M-586   1ST Coast Artillery Disc. $30
M-585  11TH Coast Artillery collar disc. $35
M-556  1921-23 Air Service Collar Disc. $25
M-542   Set of 3 varieties of US QMC 2 Right facing eagles with key on right and key on left and well as the scarce left facing Eagle. $50
M-528  Great French made Officers MTC Disc. $35
M-494  9TH Artillery disc. $30
M-489   2ND Infantry of the 19TH Division or State Guard use. $25
M-488   2ND Infantry of the 19TH Division or State Guard use. $25
M-487   2ND Infantry of the 19TH Division or State Guard use. $25
M-486   3RD Infantry of the 19TH Division or State Guard use. $25
M-476  2ND Artillery of the 8TH Division. $30
M-475   2ND Artillery of the 8TH Division. $30
M-474   3RD artillery of the 6TH Division. $25
M-473   4TH Field Artillery. $25
M-471   21ST Infantry disc. $30
M-453  Georgia Disc. $35
M-451  US Training Corps Disc. $35
M-435  Rare German "Button Back" US Disc. Marked "Extra Fien" $45
M-427   Prison Guard-3RD Company $35 
M-398   14TH Infantry, Company A collar disc. $30
MI-393  Texas State Disc. $30
M-392   US 49 collar disc. $35
M-356  71ST New York Collar Disc. $20  
M-327  3RD Infantry Disc. $30  
M-281  Prison Guard Disc. $35
MI-263  Scarce US Training camps Disc. $40
MI- 014     WWI US collar insignia. Our Choice $12 ea.
MI- 013  US National Army (Intertwined) collar Brass. $12
 MI- 012   WWI US National Army (Block)collar brass. $15
MI- 011  US National Guard (Script) collar disc. $15
MI- 009      WWI Artillery collar insignia. Our Choice $12 ea.

With Battery Letter. $20 ea

MI- 008      WWI Coast Artillery Corps collar insignia. Our Choice $20 ea.
MI- 007       WWI Engineer Corps collar insignia. Our Choice $10 ea.

With Company Letter. $20 ea

MI- 006       WWI Medical Corps collar insignia. Our Choice $10 ea.
MI- 005     WWI US Quartermaster Corps collar insignia. Our Choice $10 ea.
MI- 004     WWI Motor Trasport Corps collar insignia. Our Choice $20 ea.
MI- 002      WWI Signal Corps collar insignia. Our Choice $10 ea.
MI- 001    WWI Ordinance collar insignia. Our Choice $10 ea.
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