Headgear |
VH-693 1970s Green Beret and photos of the JFK Special
Warfare Soldier who wore it. Liner has been removed as was
popularly done. $120 |
VH-692 Very nice pair of helmets both named to
the same Officer. His M-1 helmet with liner, both named
and his white flight helmet also named. There is a
research photo of this Officer wearing this helmet in
Vietnam as commanding Officer of the 335TH Transportation
Company (Huey Slicks). $650
$SOLD$ |
VH-689 Vietnam M-1 Helmet liner. $40 |
VH-673 Great camo boonie hat. SF patch is sewn to the
cap. The Ranger qualification badge is pinned through and
the pins are bent to the sides. $125 |
VH-660 Vietnam Era Helmet with cover. 1973
contract date. $125ON HOLD |
VH-621 Vietnamese made Bush hat excellent
condition. $45 |
VH-620 PX procured fatigue cap with metal rank
insignia. 6 vent hole top. $40 |
VH-615 Great Vietnamese made Cowboy hat with graffiti
drawing of a grenade on the crown. $95 |
VH-592 Odd ERDL Camo Ball Style Cap. Water repellant
top. $50 |
VH-563 Vietnam Marine Corps cover. Good condition
overall. $50 |
VH-545 Vietnam period Naval Officers cap. $90 |
Vietnam spot camo helmet. Tired condition but a real camo.
$100 |